Personal Loan Sale

Looking to borrow money to consolidate bills, buy a computer, travel or establish credit? Take out a borrowIT Personal Loan so you can get something you want while building a positive credit history. Why is this important.

How much can I borrow? $250-$3,000
Need a Coapplicant If you are under 18 years old you must have a qualified coapplicant. Why
Down Payment No down payment is required
How long can I
have the money?
Up to 12 months
What's My Rate? 9.49% - 20.49% APR*
What's with the range of rates
Payment Options
  • Direct Deposit with automatic transfer
  • Online Banking Transfer
  • Payment Coupons
What will I need?
* Rate will be based on primary applicant's personal credit history. Offer does not apply to existing ACU loans or VISA Credit Card accounts.
interest rate
loan term
loan amount $
monthly payment $

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